Erin and Phil Shipley met in Manhattan Beach seven years ago at Hennessey’s. She’d just finished her shift at Mangiamos, and he was visiting from his home in Birmingham, England and (of course) hitting the local pub. It was love at first sight and soon the two of them were living the SoCal gypsy life […]
Sometimes I’m delighted to be proved wrong. Usually that’s when I’m being pessimistic, as was the case when a restaurant in North Manhattan Beach closed and someone asked me to speculate about what would move in. “Something more expensive and aimed at an upscale crowd,” I answered. It was a safe bet based on present […]
Taking over where Four Daughter left off is the Cafe Wild restaurant and our feature for this episode of our Two Minute Review. Host Steve Napolitano discusses the new menu, atmosphere and more with partners in life and business Erin and Phil Shipley. This video was produced by Civic Couch.